I'm beginning to comprehend, if not understand, how Smirk-Chimp can defend Abu and even praise his embarassing performance in sworn testimony to the United States Senate...
It's the same mentality that considers blast walls in Baghdad both a sign of progress and a testament to victory...as if it's entirely normal for a "victorious" army to literally wall of certain sections of the capital city of the country they've declared victory over.
It's the same mentality that insists victory in Afghanistan is a done deal, even as another suicide bomber makes a mockery of any such declaration...even as across the border, our "ally" Pakistan makes it clear that friend or foe is definitely a relative term...a far cry from the halcyon days of "you're either with us, or..." nonsense.
It's the same mentality that causes professional dimwits like David Broder to insist that treating the American public like adults--as opposed to spoiled little prepubescent teenage Karl Roves--is somehow inappropriate.
To them, it's business as usual. To the rest of us, it's called delusion.
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