Few things illustrate the limitless Rethuglican capacity for agressive ignorance and utter bullshit than Dick's latest confirmation that his moniker is well suited:
The controversy over MoveOn.org’s ad in The New York Times entered its second week yesterday as Vice President Dick Cheney joined the fray. Mr. Cheney, defending Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of American forces in Iraq and the object of MoveOn’s ad, said:
"The attacks on him by MoveOn.org in ad space provided at subsidized rates in The New York Times last week were an outrage."
Dick's "outraged." Well, Dick, to quote the moustache of understanding, suck on this:
A new study estimates that 1.2 million Iraqis have met violent deaths since Bush and Cheney chose to invade.
In other words, you seem to be rather selective, if not deliberate, as to the moment you twist your panties into a knot, then declare discomfort, if not chafing.
And that's what this generation of Rethuglicans does ABOVE ALL ELSE, with more than a dollop of media assistance (unless your definition of "dollop" is the equivalent of "tanker load." Then, with just a dollop of media assistance). They froth at the mouth over absolute nonsense, hoping to fan the flames of fang-bared hatred among the lunatic fringe they call their "base." Between this and the straight up credulity they get from their media syncophants (e.g., watch the deference with which they treat, say, Bill Donohue), the braying cacaphony virtually REQUIRES sane individuals to simply plead for calm...whereupon ANY questioning of the lunacy itself is consigned to the dustbin. Rinse, repeat, and the REAL crime--needlessly causing death and destruction on an epic scale over there, carelessly and incompetently ignoring real needs right here--likewise gets only superficial examination at best...and even then the "responsible" media goes out of its way to set a place at the table for genuine nuts--the kind of folks who'd murder their own grandmothers because, after all, the elderly are a waste of resources...as are kids.
And Move On is dangerous...because it believes in free speech.
Gimme a goddamned break.
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