He was for gun control before he was against it.
I guess for an egotistical asshole like Rudy Giuliani, it's the ultimate get out of jail free card, benefit of clergy, and wanton sinner accepting the Loy-ard Jeeeesus Kr-eye-st on his deathbed all rolled into one. Just say the magic word and all will be forgiven and forgotten:
Rudy, speaking before the National Rifle Association today, offered a creative explanation for why his views have changed from ardent support for gun control as Mayor of New York to strong support for the Second Amendment as a GOP Presidential candidate.
His reason? September 11th has persuaded him that gun rights are necessary.
In the interest of full disclosure, I don't own firearms, but I'm quite the 2nd Amendment purist, for all sorts of reasons...to cite just one, Pandora's Box is already open. But I digress--my point is merely the Rudy, in addition to egotistical assholery, is likewise craven and churlish enough to say or do just about anything to get elected. And if that's what he'll do to get elected, you can only wonder what he'd do to maintain his--ha, I meant to write "grip," but typo-ed "grope"--Freudian slip, and an appropriate one--anyway, maintain his 'grope' on the office.
Meanwhile, it certainly looks as if the essential Rethuglican message of fear, loathing, hate and violence is getting through to some possible supporters/mouth breathers here in Louisiana.
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, and speaking of churlish and craven: I saw in comments over at YRHT that Bobby Jindal, bless his little exorcised heart, haughtily deemed the entire controversy in Jena as the work of "outside agitators." Well, welcome to the early 1960's, Mr. Jindal. And I guess in contrast to your sneer towards the "outside agitators," who demonstrated peacefully, perhaps you've got some words of praise for the two young men's handiwork as reported in CNN's story: they draped nooses from the back of a pickup truck, then drove repeatedly past the peaceful demonstrators. Is that something you endorse? After all, the two young men--one of whom professed to being in the Ku Klux Klan--are local.
Just wondering.
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