h/t M.D. Filter
Well, on the one hand I suppose Trent Lott and Haley Barbour feel quite proud of themselves. To parapharase the much-missed Molly Ivins, being able to read at all in Mississippi must be like being bilingual pretty much anywhere else.
Too bad their choice of reading material leaves much to be desired--a cheap GOP "suggested phrase memo"... the political equivalent of a well-worn, dog-eared copy of Penthouse Forum, clutched closely as each furtively looks both ways before dashing to a men's room stall for a bit of "private time."
During a recent meeting with the Sun Herald, Barbour went off on what he called the "whining" in Louisiana that Mississippi got too large a share...
Lott said, "I'm not going to say anything negative about Louisiana. I feel sorry for them. But one thing they are going to have to answer for is the difference in attitude. They have complained and whined and focused on who else got what. If they would just focus on what they need, they'd be better off." (italics mine)
Use of the term "whining" is most definitely deliberate. Gingrich put it on his list of suggested phraseology back in the day, the idea being--and sorry to use a sexist term but it's appropriate--to engage in political castration. And that's what Lott and Barbour are trying to do.
Which, when you think about it, is particularly despicable--the LAST thing the Gulf Coast needs right now is the subsuming of need to political considerations. But, then again, it's not like Haley or Trent really give a flying fuck about their constituents, or the American people. To them, death and suffering is just another opportunity to shove their snout deeper into the taxpayer trough.
And, you know, the only "whining" I've heard over the last two years has been the incessant squawk and drone among wingnuttia, who couldn't wait to bitch and holler about the "loss" of "their" tax dollars (as if they were the only ones paying taxes), yet, strngely, make no complaint about Katrina-related subsidies being granted by the silo-ful to...Biloxi casinos and Tuscaloosa condos.
And that tells you everything you need to know about the whining wingers. You know, I ought to offer them some cheese to go with their whine...cheese affixed to rat traps.
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