Monday, March 17, 2014

Let 'Em Eat Potatoes

From Album 5
Paul "Workhouses and Prisons" Ryan insists victims have no one to blame but themselves...

1 comment:

  1. Well, whether the religion was toxic to begin with -- and I'm inclined to think so, despite knowing a number of very nice people who are religious -- anyway, whether or not it's inherently toxic, it's without a doubt ugly when interpreted by a brain totally given over to ugly greed.

    Greed itself bothers me. Why on earth would you want to hoard WAY above and beyond even, say, some sort of emergency stash, savings, whatever? To me, that's just stupid and ugly. Yes, we're alone in this world, death certainly imposes a finality that can be...troubling, if you focus too much on it, but the point is to live...and living to the fullest, at least in my limited experience, involves a lot more than obsessive selfishness. Christ, no pun intended, self-interest almost requires at least a basic desire for communal decency. Because otherwise, what have THEY got to lose by going after you?

    But, if you think like a child...

    Well, back to chores over here...
