Friday, December 18, 2015


From Album 6
Tigger wasn't a water cat, but he sure didn't mind hopping in the tub now and then, as long as water wasn't actively running. In addition to being a nice cool spot to lie down on during warm months, it made for a nice hiding place for an ambush.

Have a good weekend.


  1. Brings back memories for me also. Bathtubs and sinks were favorite places to nap. Miss Peach liked to stick her front foot into the water dish till it touched bottom, then pull her foot out and lick off the water. Three other cats I shared my home with liked to have the tap on low flow so they could drink straight from the tap. Oh yeah, cats can have some very different behaviors. Makes them interesting and fun to watch and be around to me. One we had in SoCal liked to hide under the bedspread, it draped down to the floor. He'd get under the edge of it and ambush our feet.
    Thanks for sharing the photos and memories of Tigger.
    Have a great weekend. Take care.

  2. Yes, Tigger occasionally liked to drink from the tap, but one of the replacement faucets wasn't set up all that well for a kitten, he also loved it when I made the bed or changed the sheets. Haha -- I can still see his claws poking through the linen while he hid underneath.

    Hope your pain is manageable.

    Meanwhile, I got some food cooked/grilled over the weekend, and stocked the freezer quite well. If Tigger was still here in body (he'll always be here in spirit...right in my heart) that'd mean treats for a while. Well, will think fondly of him when it's time to thaw some brisket.

    Take it easy.
