Friday, March 18, 2016


Link. Still missing my little guy...

Have a good weekend.


  1. Also the drone king, aka, our (ig)Nobel piece prizident will get to see some of the best preserved and still running, cars from the 50's made by the late automobile capital of the known world (Detroit).
    Very nice way to honor Tigger today, he fits right in with the 1950's US cars, cool cats drove them so a cool cat looks good with them.
    Have a great weekend. So far we got some rain, not much though. The Red is set to crest Sunday or Monday, near record level expected.

  2. Yeah, cool cat...and cool cars. My dad, who passed on in 2004, had a pretty nice ride when younger: a 1957 Chevy Bel-Air, black...convertible...weird orangish and silvery interior. I'm barely old enough to remember it running. Also helps that I once smashed my thumb in the tank-like heavy door. Hurt like hell at the time, of course, but some four and a half decades later it makes for a good story and memory.

    We had our rain through Saturday -- damn, saw an Advocate story about a young woman struck by lightning and killed in Terrebonne Parish -- we didn't get it that badly. And yesterday was nice enough to get the grass cut. Also got the sheetrock removed...and the door frame. Next week: the frame itself. Wow, some actual progress.

    Hope the Red crest isn't a catastrophe. Also saw where they're monitoring the Mississippi again. Seems like for the last couple of months I've easily seen barges when traveling west on North Street (not North Boulevard...BR's weird that way: North Boulevard is about four blocks south of North Street. Go figure). Normal river stages aren't that high...

    Anyway, to stuff over here. But, good stuff. Might even be able to read a bit more of a book: SPQR, a history of Rome by Mary Beard. A friend gave it to me for Christmas. So far, quite a good read, though, by necessity, more broad than detailed, at least when covering the first few centuries of the city...

    Take it easy.
