And I'm entitling it "Why Don't You Shove It Up Your Ass."
First, yeah, I know you WANT people to pronounce your last name "BAY-ner," but...fuck you.
No, it won't happen, but I just wish someone would look these GOP assclowns in the eye come their Thursday debate on "national security" and point out the glaring, deer-in-the-headlights obvious fact: when you've proven to the world that you can't handle an ANTICIPATED event...like a hurricane...you can forget about trying to deal with something like a sneak attack.
And, Congressman Boner, you can bark 9/11 until you lose your voice, but...that wasn't exactly a bolt out of the blue either...was it?
You and your fellow wingnut numb-nuts flitted off into Iraq thinking it was going to be a jolly good fireworks show (Shock & Awe, anyone?) and now it's turned into a potential $2 trillion dollar sinkhole, not to mention the equivalent of a fully loaded Cadillac Escalade for THEIR wingnut numb-nuts. Nice work, dipshit.
Oh, and let's not forget the Ursa Minor of your program, Afghanistan...or should we just go ahead and rename it something more descriptive, like Failedstateistan?
It's creeps like you, Boner, who've managed to fiddle while the Gulf Coast suffers.
Damn, it sure would be nice if hell really DID exist. Because you'd have a permanent reservation once you've finished up here.
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