Fool me...won't get fooled again.
While I was watching Countdown's coverage of Dear Leader's smoke and mirror road show, I was struck by the level of snide glee administration officials seemed to take in "fooling" everyone...as if the need for such secrecy itself isn't a damning indictment of present policy.
What's next? Decoder rings for those with the right connections?
Adrastos accurately described it yesterday: the Beavis-Duce administration. Clearly, the top of the slag heap has issues, beginning with the fact that, mentally, they don't seem to have matured beyond early adolescence...although, they're presiding over an administration that's managed to not merely perfect the art of ineptitude, but also achieve dizzying heights of corruption to boot.
Billmon, discussing Operation Mesopotamian Black Hole (and Shrub's not so triumphant stop over), linked to this Dave Lindorff op-ed re: the missing $21 BILLION dollars from our Arabian Nightmare. (which, by the way, makes a mockery of Shrub's statements about Iraqi corruption and/or exhortations for more foreign aid).
You know, wingnuts, in their own gleeful, zealous rantings about why the Gulf Coast should be abandoned, consistently allude to "corrupt local and state officials." While, deep down, this is merely coded racism, it's also interesting to note their blissful ignorance, or at least ignoring of, official corruption on the national level. Corruption that dwarfs anything even the outright worst "local and state officals" ever so much as dreamed of.
I mean, c'mon--$21 BILLION dollars just up and missing? That's as much as the ENTIRE state budget of Louisiana. And I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Consider: Shrub has clearly played fast and loose with insider trading laws. Big Time's connections to Halliburton should front page news every day (and the fact that they aren't speaks volumes about our lapdog press).
Evidently, the "example" they've set is being followed by the rest of the GOP controlled national government.
So, we had Shrub's elaborately staged peek-Kabuki yesterday in Iraq. And, I see that Karl Rove, having been released back into the lake by Patrick Fitzgerald, donned the makeup too:

This time, Karlo seems to think, like Shrub, that HE'S been to war, unlike known draft-dodgers John Murtha and John Kerry.
Which, of course, makes me think Rove's managed to get his hands on Limbaugh's stash.
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