Triplets of Twit: Dent, McCaul, and Uber-Twit Shays
Scout and Suspect Device both posted links already, so hopefully you've seen this. If not, here's the short version:
Yer three twitnut GOP congressmen got themselves all, ahem, atwitter over fraud, real and imagined, resulting from emergency funds disbursed by FEMA after the deluge...but haven't produced so much as a peep--or tweet--about the wholesale feeding at the federal trough, via no-bid contracts, from the usual pigs like Bechtel, Halliburton, or Blackwater. Captain Renault would be proud.
When Shays, McCaul, and Dent are finished waxing indignant over their tempest in a teapot, maybe they can work on lyrics for a song: It's Hard Out There for a Twit.
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