Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly...and Bush administration "allies" gotta be corrupt to the bone:
The Bush administration repeatedly ignored corruption at the highest levels within the Iraqi government and kept secret potentially embarrassing information so as not to undermine its relationship with Baghdad, according to two former State Department employees...
Sen. Byron Dorgan, head of the Democratic Policy Committee, said the latest testimony is disheartening in light of al-Radhi's previous estimate that corruption had cost Iraq--and U.S. taxpayers--some $18 billion.
You know, on one level that at least demonstrates a minimal level of intelligence amongst the Malaki crowd. I mean, what the hell else can they do except try to line their pockets like kids looting a candy store before the pathetic excuse for a policy fails utterly. Otherwise, the "Iraqi government" is little more than a way station to the proverbial sticky end.
Get as much as you can while you can, and then hietail it out before things get really ugly...hey, just like Dick Cheney.
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