If the "Barack is a Mooooslim" smear doesn't gain the desired traction, I guess the wingnut reaction is to proffer the "Barack ISN'T Moooslim" smear instead:
In Islam, however, there is no such thing as a half-Muslim. Like all monotheistic religions, Islam is an exclusive faith.
As the son of the Muslim father, Senator Obama was born a Muslim under Muslim law as it is universally understood. It makes no difference that, as Senator Obama has written, his father said he renounced his religion. Likewise, under Muslim law based on the Koran his mother’s Christian background is irrelevant.
Of course, as most Americans understand it, Senator Obama is not a Muslim. He chose to become a Christian, and indeed has written convincingly to explain how he arrived at his choice and how important his Christian faith is to him.
His conversion, however, was a crime in Muslim eyes; it is "irtidad" or "ridda," usually translated from the Arabic as "apostasy," but with connotations of rebellion and treason. Indeed, it is the worst of all crimes that a Muslim can commit, worse than murder (which the victim’s family may choose to forgive).
Sigh. Where does one begin with these assclowns? I don't know about other people, but I'm beginning to really understand the "life is too short" point of view, and I guess my attitude is to tell Luttwak that, well, he's wack. See Cheney, Dick's, reaction to Pat Leahy for more specific instructions.
Luttwak, by the way, is ass-ociated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies--which includes such "luninaries" (typo is deliberate) as Arnaud de Borchgrave, Michael Ledeen...and Madeline Albright, for "balance," I presume.
No wonder they're trying their own "kitchen sink" approach...because even though Barack Obama is by NO means any sort of radical--hell, I expect him to disappoint me early and often should he be elected--he does represent a threat to business as usual, if only in the matter of certain individuals' economic self-preservation...
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