Take a good, long look at the picture (photo downloaded from The Rude Pundit)...as long as you can stand to. Yep, that's the assclown, who, a day after claiming--falsely, it turns out--that his grand sacrifice for the troops is to give up golf now tries to equate Barack Obama with Nazi appeasers. Link.
Now, I'll grant that the Bush family has what you might call a unique expertise regarding Nazi appeasement, but I digress. Again, look at the picture...think about his grand sacrifice that is actually a flat out, bald faced lie. And then consider this latest example of moronic, nonsensical gum-flapping.
There's not a person with functioning brain cells who should take ANYTHING Shrub says seriously...which is why Joe Lieberman DOES.
Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, Dick Cheney is NO Darth Vader. Big Time is a grumpy old man who shot an even older man in the face with a shotgun, demonstrating remarkable stupidity as to basic hunting safety...he then reacted to his accident by hiding and getting drunk.
Hell, they make Beavis and Butthead look like valedictorians.
At this point, ANYTHING they say should be considered in the context of it being the equivalent of a two year old playing with his own excrement. And if either one tries to DO anything beyond collect a paycheck over the next eight or so months, let's hope that someone applies the same rules that they had for Nixon in the final days.
And, you know, if the electorate actually falls for such nonsense, then maybe we really do deserve four more years of Shrub in the form of Crazy John...
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