Imagine the manufactured shitstorm courtesy of the GOP and the Russert/Drudge media wingers if it was Bill Clinton making as dubious a claim as Dubya about his "sacrifice."
I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a stick, this administration lies compulsively. Remember Furnituregate? Or the "Gulfstream V" nonsense (#4) on the original "surprise" visit to Baghdad? Or, as Atrios noted, the equally untrue "sacrificing sweets for the war" or the just plain bizarre "American citizens sacrifice their peace of mind" when we view the "violence on the teevee screens" (absent ANY evidence to demonstrate this supposed fact).
And now...golf.
You've gotta believe this is part and parcel to the entire country being sick of him and Grumpy, aka Big Time, aka Dick (calling him "Darth" implies a level of competence that's clearly lacking).
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