Thursday, April 15, 2004

Bush: Wake Me Up When They Hit Us

LSU Blog, who will be listed shortly on the roll, has a link to a Washington Post article that indicates the August 6th PDB wasn't the only warning of an impending terrorist attack in the United States. Check out his post and link to the article there (for some reason, I'm having trouble hitting the Post's site myself this morning).

From the sound of it though, maybe this is another indication that Dick Cheney WAS in charge, if one takes his excuse for opting out of Vietnam seriously. I believe he said at that time that "[he] had other priorites." How true.

Off topic, but: speaking of attacks, the office here is abuzz with talk of various security flaws and viruses that are floating about the internet today. The State of Arkansas was especially hit hard, and we're scrambling to avoid a similar fate here in the Gret Stet. This might keep me busy for a while. For those running Windoze operating systems, here's a link to a FREE Microsoft site that will install security updates on your computer. I also strongly recommend that you make sure your virus definitions are up to date. I'll probably post something by way of an update later today, if I'm not slammed with work.

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